Mothers || Born Nurturers

"Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children."
-The Family: A Proclamation to the World

Motherhood is one of the hardest, most overlooked job there is. Mothers spend countless hours cleaning up, doing chores, making dinner, changing diapers, teaching lessons, and so much more and more often then not, the tasks they accomplish go unnoticed. Motherhood is a job that requires patience and love, more than anyone thought was possible. Motherhood is tasking and trying everyday. On the other hand, motherhood is the most rewarding job a woman can have. She gets to see her children grow and develop into the people they are meant to be. She gets to see them work, play and learn all while she is watching. Some may think that motherhood isn't worth it, but if you ask any mother they will tell you otherwise. 

I asked a few mothers for a quote that they think most accurately describes motherhood as they experienced it. Here are some of the responses I got. 

"Trust in the Lord and pray that your children will turn out to be okay in spite of you."
-Becky Jarvis

"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. 
It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body."
-Natalee Madsen

"Embrace the Chaos."
-Suzie Howe

"When I became a mom, life changed. My goals, my decisions, my outlook. I had new fears in life that were beyond my own. I didn't give anything up to become a mom. I chose motherhood and I choose it everyday. To see my kids happy or when we do something that makes me stop and smile because they are happy. I am proud to say who I am as a mom is because of my kids. motherhood is my greatest blessing in life and the Lord gave me that calling."
-Sydney Cook

Women were sent to this Earth to be caregivers to their children. They were given special talents to help them with raising the children hand in hand with their husband. Motherhood is a calling from God that shouldn't be taken lightly. If done to the best of their ability, mothers can influence the lives of their children more than they ever thought they could. There is a special bond between mothers and their children that grows from the hours spent together. Mothers are there to show support and love unconditionally. 

“Motherhood is near to divinity. It is the highest, holiest 
service to be assumed by mankind. It places her who honors its holy calling 
and service next to the angels”
-James R. Clark

Sometimes there are situations where mothers aren't able to preform the duties that they are called to do. there are always circumstances that can't be known or problems that may arise. The Lord understands every situation and he is the judge of all things. The only thing we can do is our best and the Lord will take care of the rest as long as we strive to stay close to him in all things. 


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