The Sanctity of Human Life

"We affirm the sanctity of life and its importance in God’s eternal plan."

This topic is one that is touchy for some people and not something that people talk about very openly. As I believe in the councils and guidelines the church provides pertaining to all things, including abortion, I will discuss the guidelines the church has set in hopes that the members live by it. It is said very plainly and straightforward by our prophets throughout the years since this has been a problem in the public eye. The first presidency stated, 

"In view of the widespread public interest in 
the issue of abortion, we reaffirm that The Church of Jesus Christ 
of Latter-day Saints has consistently 
opposed elective abortion."

There are instances when the church recognized that abortion may be the best way to give the child the best life without pain,  save the mother from death or other things that are case sensitive. The church pleads with the parents of the unborn child to pray about what is best for them and the baby. God will know what the best option is. As each family is different and everyone has their individual struggles and trials we must try to stick with the guidelines of the church. I know that if we do this, we will be blessed for our actions and our willingness to obey

"As sons and daughters of God, we cherish 
life as a gift from him. Life comes from life. It is a gift 
from our Heavenly Father. It is eternal, as he is eternal. Innocent life is 
not sent by him to be destroyed! This doctrine is not of me, 
but is that of the living God and of his divine Son."
-Russel M. Nelson

Each and every life is special and loved by Heavenly Father and Jesus and should also be loved by us here on Earth. Children are sent to this earth to gain bodies and have experiences so they can choose for themselves to return to Heaven to be with Heavenly Father and Jesus and their families. Taking away their bodies when they come here to Earth stops them from being able to achieve those things. There are many resources put in place for those who are not able to keep the child after birth. There are adoption agencies, LDS Family Services and other means that can be used if needed. Children need bodies and we are the vessels in which they come to this Earth. God gave women their bodies and made them able to bear children. It is an amazing gift and we must use it. 

As the church recognizes that everyone has their agency and their own right to choose, they put together guidelines to help those who are struggling with their choices. There are many conference talks, books, articles and other forms of information that can be found to help one make an educated decision. There are also many people who are willing to help with priesthood blessings and love and support. Pray and council with the Lord on your decision so you know it is the right one for you. 


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